杰茜卡 Jethica

主演:考莉·埃尔南德斯 / Ashley Denise Robinson / Andy Faulkner / Will Madden / 斯蒂芬妮·亨特 / Alan Palomo / Ross Yingst / Shirley Chen / 尼卡恩·罗宾逊
类型:剧情 / 喜剧 / 惊悚
上映:2022-03-12(西南偏南电影节) / 2022-10-08(釜山电影节)
高清 在线播放 迅雷下载 BT下载 种子下载 磁力链接 磁力下载 免费 百度云 蓝奏 天翼云
杰茜卡 Jethica 杰茜卡 Jethica
(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/4/1 浏览:3 次 )剧情介绍
Jessica lives in fear of a man named Kevin who follows her everywhere she goes. While on a road trip, she reconnects with Elena, an old friend she hasn’t seen since high school. Elena has been hiding out at her deceased grandmother’s ranch in New Mexico. When Kevin mysteriously appears at the ranch, Jessica and Elena seek help from beyond the grave to get rid of him for good. But Kevin is different from other stalkers and won’t move on so easily.
Jessica lives in fear of a man named Kevin who follows her everywhere she goes. While on a road trip, she reconnects with Elena, an old friend she hasn’t seen since high school. Elena has been hiding out at her deceased grandmother’s ranch in New Mexico. ... 显示全部
张咏轩Wayne? 2023-06-20 6 有用有意思的小成本概念片,蛮荒公路的风光美不胜收,蓝天白云微风夕阳,构图美妙恰到,色彩美学公式,与电影的基调吻合,孤独一望无际,旷野游魂遍地,追踪狂的深情款款,赴死者的眷恋徘徊,两个孤魂野鬼的相遇相知抵消了电影前半段的怪诞与荒谬,节奏控制在70分钟也实为明智,娓娓道来的惊魂小说,后续逐渐发展成令人会心一笑的双向治愈,五味杂陈的犯罪因果夹杂怪奇故事的推进,贡献出次元空间的救赎寓言,要热情与接纳,会拥抱与...
梵顿Kirin 2023-06-16 3 有用3.5星,怪异又可爱,整体很简洁。最好玩的桥段基本都在那个偏执可怜又好笑的“恋爱脑”身上了(“鬼”话真多),以及结局走向真的好温馨啊“we're friends, aren't we?”。(但是某个酱油角色真的有点可怜)
不姨妈的大白色 2023-06-21 2 有用3.5 蛮有趣的,时长感人。
mills 2023-06-23 0 有用影像片
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