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MySQL两种删除用户语句的区别(delete user和drop user)

(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/10 浏览:3 次 )


在MySQL中,我们经常需要创建用户和删除用户,创建用户时,我们一般使用create user或者grant语句来创建,create语法创建的用户没有任何权限,需要再使用grant语法来分配权限,而grant语法创建的用户直接拥有所分配的权限。在一些测试用户创建完成之后,做完测试,可能用户的生命周期就结束了,需要将用户删除,而删除用户在MySQL中一般有两种方法,一种是drop user,另外一种是delete from mysql.user,那么这两种方法有什么区别呢?我们这里通过例子演示。

delete from mysql.user

首先,我们看看delete from mysql.user的方法。我们创建两个用户用来测试,测试环境是MySQL5.5版本,用户名分别为yeyz@'%'和yeyz@'localhost',创建用户的语法如下:

mysql 15:13:12create user yeyz@'%' identified by '123456';
Query OK, rows affected (. sec)
mysql 15:20:01grant select,create,update,delete on yeyz.yeyz to yeyz@'%';
Query OK, rows affected (. sec)
mysql 15:29:48GRANT USAGE ON yeyz.yeyz TO 'yeyz'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
Query OK, rows affected (. sec)
mysql--dba_admin@127...1:(none) 15:20:39show grants for yeyz@'%';
| Grants for yeyz@%                                          |
| GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'yeyz'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*6BB4837EB74329105EE4568DDA7DC67ED2CA2AD9' |
| GRANT SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE ON `yeyz`.`yeyz` TO 'yeyz'@'%'                 |


mysql 15:20:43delete from mysql.user where user='yeyz';
Query OK, rows affected (. sec)

mysql 15:21:40select user,host from mysql.user;
| user       | host      |
| dba_yeyz     | localhost    |
| root       | localhost    |
| tkadmin     | localhost    |
 rows in set (. sec)

已经没有这两个yeyz的用户了,此时我们使用show grants for命令查看刚才删除的用户,我们发现依旧是存在这个用户的权限说明的:

mysql 15:24:21show grants for yeyz@'%';
| Grants for yeyz@%                                          |
| GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'yeyz'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*6BB4837EB74329105EE4568DDA7DC67ED2CA2AD9' |
| GRANT SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE ON `yeyz`.`yeyz` TO 'yeyz'@'%'                 |
 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql ::GRANT USAGE ON yeyz.yeyz TO 'yeyz'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
Query OK, rows affected (. sec)


[dba_mysql@tk-dba-mysql-stat-- ~]$ /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -uyeyz --socket=/data/mysql_4306/tmp/mysql.sock --port= -p -hlocalhost
Enter password: 
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 
Server version: 5.5.-log MySQL Community Server (GPL)

Copyright (c) , , Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

mysql--yeyz@localhost:(none) 15:31:05select * from yeyz.yeyz;
| id  |
|  3 |
|  4 |
|  5 |
 rows in set (. sec)

mysql--yeyz@localhost:(none) 15:31:16delete from yeyz.yeyz where id=;
Query OK, row affected (. sec)

mysql--yeyz@localhost:(none) 15:31:32select * from yeyz.yeyz;
| id  |
|  3 |
|  4 |
 rows in set (. sec)

最终出现的结果可想而知,一个usage权限的用户,对数据库总的表进行了update操作,而且还成功了。这一切得益于我们delete from mysql.user的操作,这种操作虽然从user表里面删除了记录,但是当这条记录的host是%时,如果重新创建一个同名的新用户,此时新用户将会继承以前的用户权限,从而使得用户权限控制失效,这是很危险的操作,尽量不要执行。


首先,我们删除掉刚才的那两个用户,然后使用show grants for语句查看他们的权限:

mysql ::drop user yeyz@'%';
Query OK, rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql ::drop user yeyz@'localhost';
Query OK, rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql ::
mysql ::show grants for yeyz@'%';
ERROR (): There is no such grant defined for user 'yeyz' on host '%'
mysql ::show grants for yeyz@'localhost';
ERROR (): There is no such grant defined for user 'yeyz' on host '192.168.18.%'


mysql ::GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO 'yeyz'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*6BB4837EB74329105EE4568DDA7DC67ED2CA2AD9';
Query OK, rows affected (. sec)


[dba_mysql@tk-dba-mysql-stat-10-104 ~]$ /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -uyeyz --socket=/data/mysql_4306/tmp/mysql.sock --port=4306 -p -hlocalhost
Enter password: 
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 
Server version: 5.5.19-log MySQL Community Server (GPL)

Copyright (c) , , Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

mysql ::select * from yeyz.yeyz;
| id  |
|   |
|   |
|   |
 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql ::update yeyz.yeyz set id= where id=;
ERROR (): UPDATE command denied to user 'yeyz'@'localhost' for table 'yeyz'
mysql ::create table test (id int);
ERROR (D000): No database selected
mysql ::create table yeyz.test (id int);
ERROR (): CREATE command denied to user 'yeyz'@'localhost' for table 'test'

可以发现,这个用户只可以进行select操作,当我们尝试进行update操作和create操作的时候,系统判定这种操作没有权限,直接拒绝了,这就说明使用drop user方法删除用户的时候,会连通db表和权限表一起清除,也就是说删的比较干净,不会对以后的用户产生任何影响。


    当我们想要删除一个用户的时候,尽量使用drop user的方法删除,使用delete方法可能埋下隐患,下次如果创建同名的用户名时,权限控制方面存在一定的问题。

    这个演示也解决了一些新手朋友们的一个疑问:为什么我的用户只有usage权限,却能访问所有数据库,并对数据库进行操作?这个时候,你需要看看日志,查询自己有没有进行过delete from mysql.user的操作,如果有,这个问题就很好解释了。

以上就是MySQL两种删除用户语句的区别(delete user和drop user)的详细内容,更多关于MySQL 删除用户的资料请关注其它相关文章!

下一篇:CentOS8下MySQL 8.0安装部署的方法
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