(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/4 浏览:3 次 )
package main
import ( "fmt" "sort" ) func wordCounterV1(str string) { /*定义变量*/ stringSlice := str[:] temp := str[:] wordStatistic := make(map[string]int) /*把所有出现的单词放入map中*/ j := 0 for i := 0; i < len(stringSlice); i++ { if !((stringSlice[i] >= 65 && stringSlice[i] <= 90) || (stringSlice[i] >= 97 && stringSlice[i] <= 122)) { temp = str[j:i] if len(temp) != 0 { wordStatistic[temp]++ } j = i + 1 } } /*把首字母为大写的单词转换为小写;去除无效字符*/ for i := range wordStatistic { if len(i) > 1 { if (i[0] >= 65 && i[0] <= 90) && (i[1] <= 65 || i[1] >= 90) { strTemp := make([]byte, len(i), len(i)) copy(strTemp, i) strTemp[0] += 32 wordStatistic[string(strTemp)] += wordStatistic[i] delete(wordStatistic, i) } } else { if i[0] != 'a' && i[0] != 'A' { delete(wordStatistic, i) } else if i[0] == 'A' { wordStatistic["a"] += wordStatistic[i] delete(wordStatistic, i) } } } /*把map的关键字映射到string切片进行排序*/ sortSlice := make([]string, 0, len(wordStatistic)) for i := range wordStatistic { sortSlice = append(sortSlice, i) } sort.Strings(sortSlice) /*输出结果*/ for _, v := range sortSlice { fmt.Printf("%s:%d\n", v, wordStatistic[v]) } fmt.Printf("word count:%d\n", len(wordStatistic)) }
func main() { str := ` There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! Dream what you want to dream;go where you want to go;be what you want to be,because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do. May you have enough happiness to make you sweet,enough trials to make you strong,enough sorrow to keep you human,enough hope to make you happy"htmlcode">C:\Users\24213\go project>cd src\github.com\go-study\lesson6\practice1 C:\Users\24213\go project\src\github.com\go-study\lesson6\practice1>go build C:\Users\24213\go project\src\github.com\go-study\lesson6\practice1>practice1 a:4 all:1 along:1 always:2 and:8 another:1 appreciate:2 are:2 around:2 bad:1 based:1 be:3 because:1 begins:1 best:1 born:1 brighten:1 brighter:1 brightest:1 can:2 chance:1 comes:1 cry:1 crying:2 day:1 die:1 do:2 don:3 down:1 dream:2 dreams:1 ends:1 enough:4 everyone:2 everything:2 failures:1 feel:1 for:3 forgotten:1 friendship:1 from:1 future:1 go:4 grows:1 happen:1 happiest:1 happiness:2 happy:1 have:7 heartaches:1 hope:1 hug:1 human:1 hurt:1 hurts:2 if:2 importance:1 in:4 is:2 it:3 just:3 keep:1 kiss:1 know:1 let:2 lies:1 life:5 live:1 lives:1 love:1 make:6 may:1 mean:1 message:2 miss:2 moments:1 most:1 much:1 necessarily:1 need:1 nothing:1 of:6 on:3 one:4 only:2 opportunity:1 or:1 other:1 others:1 out:1 past:2 people:3 person:1 pick:1 please:1 probably:1 put:1 re:1 real:1 really:2 searched:1 see:1 send:1 shoes:1 side:1 smile:2 smiling:2 so:2 someone:2 something:1 sorrow:1 strong:1 sweet:1 tear:1 that:6 the:10 their:3 them:3 there:1 they:2 things:2 this:2 those:9 to:19 too:1 touched:2 trials:1 tried:1 until:1 want:6 was:1 way:2 well:1 were:2 what:2 when:5 where:1 who:10 will:3 with:4 worry:1 you:32 your:4 yourself:1 word count:144总结