超级厉害的VBS定时提醒脚本 Remind.vbs
(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/7 浏览:3 次 )
' * Intro 定时提醒,格式:时间|提示语,具体使用方法可以参考例子
' * FileName Remind.vbs
' * Author yongfa365
' * Version v1.0
' * WEB http://www.yongfa365.com
' * Email yongfa365[at]qq.com
' * FirstWrite http://www.yongfa365.com/Item/Remind.vbs.html
' * MadeTime 2008-06-18 19:26:32
' * LastModify 2008-06-18 19:26:32
' *==========================================================================*/
tx = True
used = ""
t = ""
t = t & "|" & "10:00:00|hello,hi,是美女不!"
t = t & "|" & "11:30:00|美女,快吃饭了!"
t = t & "|" & "14:00:00|困不困?困了就休息会,注意关门,小心被偷窥哦,哇嘎嘎"
t = t & "|" & "16:30:00|想帅哥了吧,笑一笑^-^"
t = t & "|" & "17:30:00|好像要下班了哦。"
t = t & "|" & "18:00:00|帅哥还没回家?快提醒下"
t = t & "|" & "22:30:00|哥哥,备份当前数据,时间要到了。"
t = Right(t, Len(t) -1)
Do While tx
WScript.Sleep 10000'10秒种检测一次
Function tixing()
t2 = Split(t, "|")
For i = LBound(t2) To UBound(t2) step 2
txsj = CDate(Date & " " & t2(i))
If DateAdd("n", -1, Now) <= txsj And DateAdd("n", 1, Now) >= txsj And InStr(used, t2(i)) = 0 Then
MsgBox t2(i + 1)
used = used & t2(i)'提醒过的记录一下
End If
End Function
' * Intro 定时提醒,格式:时间|提示语,具体使用方法可以参考例子
' * FileName Remind.vbs
' * Author yongfa365
' * Version v1.0
' * WEB http://www.yongfa365.com
' * Email yongfa365[at]qq.com
' * FirstWrite http://www.yongfa365.com/Item/Remind.vbs.html
' * MadeTime 2008-06-18 19:26:32
' * LastModify 2008-06-18 19:26:32
' *==========================================================================*/
tx = True
used = ""
t = ""
t = t & "|" & "10:00:00|hello,hi,是美女不!"
t = t & "|" & "11:30:00|美女,快吃饭了!"
t = t & "|" & "14:00:00|困不困?困了就休息会,注意关门,小心被偷窥哦,哇嘎嘎"
t = t & "|" & "16:30:00|想帅哥了吧,笑一笑^-^"
t = t & "|" & "17:30:00|好像要下班了哦。"
t = t & "|" & "18:00:00|帅哥还没回家?快提醒下"
t = t & "|" & "22:30:00|哥哥,备份当前数据,时间要到了。"
t = Right(t, Len(t) -1)
Do While tx
WScript.Sleep 10000'10秒种检测一次
Function tixing()
t2 = Split(t, "|")
For i = LBound(t2) To UBound(t2) step 2
txsj = CDate(Date & " " & t2(i))
If DateAdd("n", -1, Now) <= txsj And DateAdd("n", 1, Now) >= txsj And InStr(used, t2(i)) = 0 Then
MsgBox t2(i + 1)
used = used & t2(i)'提醒过的记录一下
End If
End Function